Sunday, July 12, 2015

Let's Go Out to the Dog Park!

I love the local dog park and Cash needed to go on a walk. I don't walk him every day, but he had been eating consistently and we had a lot of time to get there and back. 

We went to Beau's dream park and at first he was a little shy, but after a while he was running around and playing with all the other dogs. It was cute to see him interacting with everyone. I could not believe how easily he adapted to the park. 

It was so funny because he kept trying to catch tennis balls. At one point he captured one and layed down to guard it. 

He didn't like the sprinkler area when it was on, but people weren't turning it on anyways. The other dogs got him to drink a good amount of water, which pleased me since he was exercising. He was trying to mark quite a few things, but I'm not a fan of that particular behavior. Other than that, I got a lot of great advice and saw a lot of people I had not seen in a while. It was definitely wonderful. 

We will definitely go again this week sometime. Hopefully, he will have some more meat on his bones then. 

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