Training Your Own Service Dog: What You Need to Know
The question on many people's minds is which is a better choice and to me, it depends on the person. There are a lot of organizations that raise amazing dogs--and dogs that are trained from birth and have mother's chosen for their temperament usually have a higher success rate, but depending on the organization, getting a service dog becomes pricey and there's a long wait time. What about training your own dog? Well, if you've never worked with dogs, it might not be the best idea. You need to understand the basics of teaching your dog to act in public to doing tasks on command. There are some Internet website resources, but it takes a lot of time and effort, but the good part is that your dog starts to learn with you and your disability.
So how does your owner-trained service dog qualify as a service dog? Well, according to the ADA, the dog must be housebroken, have public access skills, and to be able to perform a task. When they are referring to a task, they mean a skill or cue that will aid a person when their condition worsens or when they need extra help. For instance, many people have their dogs pick up items when they drop them, open doors, let them know when the doorbell rings, and other tasks to help them with their daily routine. Anything that just requires the dog to just exist is not considered a task. For example: carrying medicine and comforting someone by their presence (this does not include pressure and distraction cues).
Risk. There is a high risk that your service dog will not be up for the job--especially if you get the dog as a puppy. I adopted Cash (I thought he was 4) at 8 1/2. He has a very temperate personality. He is not easily frightened and adapts to situations perfectly. He listens very well and is not loud. The reason why he makes the perfect dog to train is that he reacts to me so well plus, he acts very well in public. But how did I know this? I was around service dogs AND I had spent time with him before adopting him. With Cash, I can take him to performances, dinner, church, and he will lay under whatever I cue him to and go straight to sleep. Sometimes during a performance, he might get startled, but when I tell him to go to bed, he will go right back to sleep. Even when that happens, he still is quiet. This is what you want your dog to be able to do while in public. I am still working on him walking right next to me, but he is doing very well with it. It's about patience.
So how are you training him?
I am training him using clicker training. So far, I have a laundry list of commands that I want to teach him. The first major cue I trained him (other than the basics) was to sit on my lap when commanded and bring me my emergency medicine. The lap command is used to apply pressure to my lap during sever panic attacks and psychogenic seizures. This technique causes my brain to start focusing on him and not the anxiety, but also restricts me from wandering off or focusing on something dangerous. I have started working with him to bring a laminated note to whomever I point to give them important emergency information if I cannot talk. I also plan to teach a lot of other techniques for PTSD, Psychogenic seizures, Anxiety, and low blood pressure. Even with my ideas in place, I have had to create ways to "shape" these commands into cues he understands. If you do not understand shaping, I highly suggest that you read up on it on Karen Pryor's website. Here are a few of her articles on the subject: Shaping Your Way to Success, The Ten Laws of Shaping, and Shaping Success.
Here are some links to my favorite Service Dog related articles and websites:
Choosing the Right (Service) Dog
FAQ: Service Dog Laws
Service Dog Training Costs
Tasks vs Work
FAQ-ADA Service Dog Laws
PHRA-Service Dog Laws (Pennsylvania)
Service Dog Laws by State
Karen Pryor Clicker Training
Service Dog Organizations
And a link to my favorite Service Dog Training Organization, Susquehanna Service Dogs. If you live in Central Pennsylvania, please consider donating to them--time or money. They are an amazing group of people and taught me so much. They have a list of items that they most often use and need on their website, which I will link below. Also, if you use Purina Pro Plan, please consider cutting out the weight circles and sending them to them so they can get money through Purina. Every bit helps!
Susquehanna Service Dogs
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